Monday 7 November 2011

Wood Floors - Before and After. The nightmare begins.

Do you remember our rustic modern flooring?  The dog loved it, because if he peed on it, no one would notice.

Then came the installation of our new wood floors.  My son is thrilled.  Or he's just excited to play on my phone.
So in order to get the new bare wood floors to match the rest of the house, we needed to leave the house.  So that the sanding, buffing, tinting and varnishing could move along.
So we lapped it up in a nice chalet on a lake.

When we were driving home the contractor called and said "I'm not quite happy with the floors.  I'm going to buff them out and do one more coat of varnish.  Can you stay at the chalet a few more days?"

"What the??"

Anyways...we opted to leave again the following weekend and so that his guys could do the floors again. 
Here are the floors from the first round of finishing..

From far they are shiny and new.

But close up they have sawdust and hair from the varnish rollers stuck into the top coat of varnish.

The week comes to an end and we make our way back to the chalet...
Not to shabby, but after 4 weeks of being in a home that's not yours, you really want to go back to your own home, sleep in your own bed and shower in your own shower.  We get the call from the contractor that it was ok to go back home.

Well he didn't see the floors yet.  He only thought it was safe to go back.

That's some deep uneven sanding...along with some kind of residue left on the varnish.  I don't know the technical term, but it looks like the guys left the sander on and forgot about it.  It gouged the edge of the wood where it meets our bathroom ceramic tiles.  You can also see more sawdust, dirt and hair.

Do these look like brand new, just installed, sanded, buffed and stained floors to you??


And those recessed wood vents we paid extra for, they don't even fit flush now that the varnish has been slapped on so haphazardly.

On the bright side, this guy is not phased.  As long as the fridge is still stocked.  It's been relocated to the entry room.  To make  way for our floor massacre.

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Monday 7 November 2011

Wood Floors - Before and After. The nightmare begins.

Do you remember our rustic modern flooring?  The dog loved it, because if he peed on it, no one would notice.

Then came the installation of our new wood floors.  My son is thrilled.  Or he's just excited to play on my phone.
So in order to get the new bare wood floors to match the rest of the house, we needed to leave the house.  So that the sanding, buffing, tinting and varnishing could move along.
So we lapped it up in a nice chalet on a lake.

When we were driving home the contractor called and said "I'm not quite happy with the floors.  I'm going to buff them out and do one more coat of varnish.  Can you stay at the chalet a few more days?"

"What the??"

Anyways...we opted to leave again the following weekend and so that his guys could do the floors again. 
Here are the floors from the first round of finishing..

From far they are shiny and new.

But close up they have sawdust and hair from the varnish rollers stuck into the top coat of varnish.

The week comes to an end and we make our way back to the chalet...
Not to shabby, but after 4 weeks of being in a home that's not yours, you really want to go back to your own home, sleep in your own bed and shower in your own shower.  We get the call from the contractor that it was ok to go back home.

Well he didn't see the floors yet.  He only thought it was safe to go back.

That's some deep uneven sanding...along with some kind of residue left on the varnish.  I don't know the technical term, but it looks like the guys left the sander on and forgot about it.  It gouged the edge of the wood where it meets our bathroom ceramic tiles.  You can also see more sawdust, dirt and hair.

Do these look like brand new, just installed, sanded, buffed and stained floors to you??


And those recessed wood vents we paid extra for, they don't even fit flush now that the varnish has been slapped on so haphazardly.

On the bright side, this guy is not phased.  As long as the fridge is still stocked.  It's been relocated to the entry room.  To make  way for our floor massacre.

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